The Bible is God’s Word and He speaks to us through it and in faithful preaching, by the power of the Holy Spirit. At Allander we value every opportunity to teach how the Bible can be understood and changes the way we think and live each day.

4th October 2020

Passage Luke Ch 18 v 31-43

Speaker John Macleod

Service Christ Centred


27th September 2020

Passage Luke Ch 18 v 18-30

Speaker John Macleod

Service Future Focused


20th September 2020

Passage Luke Ch 18 v 15-17, Mark Ch 10 v 13-16

Speaker John Macleod

Service Total Trust


13th September 2020

Passage Luke Ch 18 v 9-14

Speaker John Macleod

Service Aspects of Faith


23rd August 2020

Passage Isaiah Ch 58 v 11-14

Speaker John Macleod

Service Sabbath Principle


16th August 2020

Passage 1 Kings Ch 8 v 22-30

Speaker John Macleod

Service Template for Worship


9th August 2020

Passage Mark Ch 11 v 15-17, Jeremiah Ch 7 v 1-15

Speaker John Macleod

Service Den of Thieves


2nd August 2020

Passage Mark Ch 11 v 15-17, Isaiah Ch 56 v 1-8

Speaker John Macleod

Service House of Prayer


26th July 2020

Passage John Ch 2 v 17, Psalm Ch 69 v 1-9

Speaker John Macleod

Service New Normal


19th July 2020

Passage John Ch 2 v 13-25

Speaker John Macleod

Service Back to Normal
