The Bible is God’s Word and He speaks to us through it and in faithful preaching, by the power of the Holy Spirit. At Allander we value every opportunity to teach how the Bible can be understood and changes the way we think and live each day.

16th April 2023

Passage Zechariah 12

Speaker John Macleod

Series The Book of Zechariah

Service Evening Worship Service


16th April 2023

All and None

Passage Romans 3:1-20

Speaker John Macleod

Series Letter to the Romans

Service Morning Worship Service


9th April 2023

The perfect stranger

Passage Luke 24:13-35

Speaker John Macleod

Service Evening Worship Service


9th April 2023

A new day dawns…

Passage Luke 24:1-12

Speaker John Macleod

Service Morning Worship Service


7th April 2023

Christ our blood sacrifice

Passage 1 Peter 1:1-21

Speaker Sandy Roger

Series The cross through Peter's eyes

Service Holy Week 2023
